Why Male Plastic Surgery Is on the Rise

Male Plastic Surgery in Novi & Troy, Michigan

Though women still comprise the majority of plastic surgery patients, plastic surgeons everywhere — including Dr. Mune Gowda — can attest that more men are taking advantage of all that the cosmetic industry has to offer.

Statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the largest organization of plastic surgeons in the world, show that in 2020, an astonishing 13.5 million cosmetic procedures were performed on men of all ages and backgrounds.

The reasons why men choose to undergo plastic surgery are as varied and unique as the men themselves. In this post, Dr. Gowda breaks down some of the most common reasons why male plastic surgery is on the rise.

Perceived Ageism in the Workplace

It’s not just women who feel they must meet a certain aesthetic ideal in the workplace. Many men in professional settings face pressure to keep up with younger, fresher male colleagues (especially when competing against younger men for promotions or new positions).

Plastic surgery can give men of a certain age an edge in a cutthroat work environment. What’s more: plastic surgeons of Dr. Gowda’s caliber can make men look younger without leaving any telltale signs of surgery (e.g., bad scarring, asymmetry, a perpetually “surprised” or frozen look).

Availability of Less-Invasive Procedures

It’s not uncommon for men to have a hard time slowing down and taking the time they need to recuperate after surgery (whether from elective surgery or not). But the availability of minimally invasive procedures makes it possible for the “man on the go” to undergo treatment and return to work and regular activities with very little downtime. Nowadays, Dr. Gowda and other plastic surgeons are taking advantage of laser, ultrasound and radiofrequency energy to non-surgically melt fat, tighten skin and promote collagen production.   

Motivated By Their Wives’ Results

Often Dr. Gowda meets male candidates who admit their wives are partially responsible for their interest in plastic surgery. For instance, a husband sees his wife’s incredible results from plastic surgery, and feels motivated to address his own physical insecurities or to look as young as he feels.

With Dr. Gowda’s expertise, he can tailor his approach and techniques to the individual patient’s needs. The plastic surgeon understands the anatomical differences between men and women, such as skin textures and hair patterns, and ensures that every patient receives the treatment that will help him or her achieve their goals.

Book a Consultation Today

If you or the man in your life is interested in plastic surgery or minimally invasive cosmetic treatments, Dr. Gowda and our team would be happy to tell you more. Contact us today to book a consultation. You can call our Novi office at (248) 305-8400 or our Troy office at (248) 530-0000.