Ways to Improve Your Chin Profile

Chin Augmentation in Novi & Troy, Michigan

The chin is perhaps the most understated element of our facial composition, but also one of the most significant. Many of us subconsciously embrace the facile belief that we can know a lot about a person just by looking at the chin. A square jaw for men is said to represent strength, and even solid character. Conversely, a weak chin may suggest diffidence, equivocation or lack of fortitude.

Of course, these types of judgments are wrong, but often the best way to deal with a chin that is projecting the wrong image is to change the overall projection of the chin itself. Here, Southeastern Michigan plastic surgeon Dr. Mune Gowda discusses both surgical and noninvasive techniques that can change not only your chin but also the conversation.


The most straightforward way to change the chin’s profile is genioplasty, a surgical procedure in which an implant is either attached to the bone or fitted so that muscles and skin keep it secure. These implants are typically made of a composite material or silicone that is inserted through an incision either inside the lower lip or under the chin.

In some cases your own bone can act as the “implant.” A surgeon cuts part of the jawbone and repositions it, then secures it with titanium screws. The bone can be moved forward for greater projection, or backward for a humbler chin. The procedure is aptly called a “sliding genioplasty.”

Fat Transfer

Bone and implants are not the only substances that can add volume to the chin. A surgical procedure known as fat transfer of fat grafting harvests fat cells from elsewhere in the body and uses them to build volume in the chin. These injected cells become a permanent part of the lower face. An extensive 2017 study found that 82 percent of these cells maintained their integrity in their new location, and were never absorbed by the body. The average increase in chin projection for participants was 9 mm after a month and 7 mm after six months.

Dermal Fillers

This volume-enhancing effect can also be achieved with dermal fillers. Although the effects are temporary, and not as dramatic as implants, these convenient injectables have the added benefit of stimulating collagen and elastin, your body’s revitalizing proteins.

Options for reducing chin volume include submental liposuction and fraxel lasers and treatments that use ultrasound or radiofrequency (RF) energy. Each of these choices is focused on shrinking pockets of fat, reducing the size of the target area and sculpting a more appealing shape for the jawline.

If you would like to learn more about ways to improve the appearance of the chin, we invite you to schedule a personal consultation with experienced Southeastern Michigan plastic surgeon Dr. Mune Gowda by using our email form, or calling our Novi office at (248) 305-8400 or our Troy office at (248) 530-0000.