Top 9 Questions To Ask About Breast Augmentation and Implants at Your Consultation

Breast Augmentation Novi

Before undergoing any surgical procedure, it is natural to have questions. While you have probably talked to friends and even done research online, the best way to get your questions answered is during your consultation. Here, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Mune Gowda suggests nine important questions to ask about breast augmentation and implants at your consultation.

1.    What’s Your Training and Experience?

Not all surgeons have the same training and experience. Additionally, not all surgeons have the same credentials. You want a plastic surgeon who has experience performing breast augmentation, who is in good standing with the local and national plastic surgery community and who is active in professional organizations.

2.    What Are My Implant and Incision Options?

Breast augmentation is achieved by inserting implants into the breasts. There are different types of breast implants made from different types of materials. The surgeon should be able to explain the different implant options.

A common concern for patients is scarring. This concern can be addressed by discussing different incision placement options.

3.    What Are My Size Options?

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to breast implants. Every person’s body is different, and every person’s choice of implant size is different. You should discuss your size options with your surgeon.

4.    What Can I Expect During Surgery?

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure. The surgeon should walk you through the procedure and what you can expect. This includes the intake process, anesthesia and the procedure itself.

5.    What Can I Expect During Recovery?

Breast augmentation is typically performed as an outpatient procedure. However, you will still have to set aside time for recovery and healing. The surgeon should provide you with a clear idea about the recovery process. This includes incision healing, pain management and the expected recovery duration.

6.    Am I a Good Candidate?

Every patient is unique. That is why the individual consultation is so important. Prior to the surgery, the surgeon should perform a physical examination to assess whether or not you are a good candidate.

During your consultation, the surgeon may also ask you questions. These questions can give the surgeon a better understanding of your concerns and expectations and whether breast augmentation is your best option.

7.    What Is the Cost, and What Are My Payment Options?

Breast augmentation costs can vary by surgeon. The surgeon should be able to provide you with a clear understanding of the cost of the procedure as well as your payment options (and financing options, if available).

8.    What Are the Risks?

Breast augmentation is a relatively safe procedure. However, all procedures have risks. It is important to have a clear understanding of the risks associated with the procedure.

9.    How Long Will My Implants Last?

Implants do not last forever. Your surgeon should advise you regarding how long the implants should last.

Schedule Your Breast Augmentation Consultation Today

Are you considering breast augmentation? Then schedule your breast augmentation consultation today with Dr. Gowda’s team online or by calling our Novi office at (248) 305-8400 or our Troy office at (248) 530-0000.