Research Shows Breast Augmentation Can Improve Your Quality of Life in 3 Ways

Breast augmentation Troy, MI

What is the main purpose of breast augmentation? The simple answer is enlarging and reshaping the breasts to make them more attractive. On a deeper level, however, breast augmentation is about improving the quality of a woman’s life. That’s the overall purpose of any cosmetic surgery. Southeastern Michigan plastic surgeon Dr. Mune Gowda discusses the ways in which breast augmentation can improve your quality of life.

1. Satisfaction with Breasts

Not surprisingly, increased satisfaction with her breasts improves a woman’s quality of life. In a study published in the February 2020 edition of the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 60 married women who completed the BREAST-Q questionnaire on quality-of-life issues. They filled out the survey six weeks before undergoing the procedure and again six weeks after breast augmentation. 

Before breast augmentation, women were likely dissatisfied with the size and shape of their breasts. That’s obviously a prime driver of undergoing breast augmentation. After the surgery, that dissatisfaction was replaced by satisfaction. The women were happier with their new breast size and symmetry, as well as their natural look and feel. Their augmented breasts improved their body image, in turn improving quality of life.    

2. Psychosocial Well-being

Psychosocial well-being is a formal term for increased self-confidence and self-esteem. Such outcomes are a critical factor in determining the success of any cosmetic surgery.

A study appearing in the February 2009 edition of the Annals of Plastic Surgery followed 455 women for six years after breast augmentation. The results found “significant improvements in body image,” for the length of the study.

Women found their clothes fit better and their bodies appeared more proportionate. Many reported feeling more feminine and attractive.

3. Sexual Well-being

Breast augmentation can improve marital relations. In a study published in the May 2009 edition of BMC Women’s Health, Satisfaction and quality of life in women who undergo breast surgery: A qualitative study, researchers interviewed 48 women who had undergone breast surgery.

Overall, the women reported an improvement in their sex lives after breast augmentation surgery. That included feeling sexier when clothed or unclothed and more choices in wearing sexually attractive clothing.

 Learn More About Breast Augmentation

If you would like to learn more about breast augmentation and how it can benefit your quality of life, we invite you to schedule a personal consultation with experienced Southeastern Michigan plastic surgeon Dr. Mune Gowda by using our email form, or calling our Novi office at (248) 305-8400 or our Troy office at (248) 530-0000.