Over or Under? The Right Breast Implant Placement for You

Breast Implants in Troy

Breast implant placement is a popular cosmetic procedure that can enhance the size, shape, and symmetry of the breasts. Dr. Mune Gowda offers two main options for breast implant placement: subglandular, wherein the implants are placed over the chest muscle, and submuscular, wherein the implants are placed under the chest muscle. Each option has its advantages. Here, Dr. Gowda  explains the options to help you find the right implant placement for your needs.

Types of Breast Implants

Before Dr. Gowda outlines the implant placement options, let’s talk about the implants themselves. Sometimes the type of breast implant can influence the decision on where to place it during surgery.

Saline implants are filled with a solution comprised of saltwater. Dr. Gowda inserts the shells empty and then fills them to the desired size.

Silicone implants, on the other hand, are pre-filled with silicone gel. This gel is believed by most women to provide movement and feeling similar to that of natural breast tissue. Both saline and silicone implants come in various shapes, sizes, and textures.

How to Find the Right Breast Implant Placement for You

Finding the right breast implant placement for you involves careful consideration of several factors to ensure optimal results. The implants should be chosen to align with your unique anatomy and aesthetic preferences. One key aspect to consider is your existing breast tissue and anatomy.

Individuals with ample breast tissue and minimal sagging may be suitable candidates for over-the-muscle placement. This option may result in a quicker recovery. Conversely, individuals with thinner breast tissue may benefit from under-the-muscle placement, which offers greater coverage.

Additionally, skin elasticity plays a significant role in determining the appropriate implant placement. Over-the-muscle placement may be appropriate for those who have good skin elasticity. These implants are less likely to be affected by gravitational forces. Conversely, under-the-muscle placement can help provide additional coverage and support for the implants. So, people with poorer skin elasticity may opt for the second option.

Your personal aesthetic goals and lifestyle considerations can influence the implant placement selection. For example, if you are an active individual or engage in activities that involve significant chest muscle movement, you should make Dr. Gowda aware during your consultation so he can help you make the best choice.

Schedule Your Breast Augmentation Consult in Troy or Novi

Choosing the right breast implant placement can significantly impact the outcome of your breast augmentation procedure. If you’re considering breast augmentation, call our Troy office at (248) 530-0000 or our Novi office at (248) 305-8400 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Gowda. Discuss your concerns with our qualified plastic surgeon and develop a personalized treatment plan.