Finding the Right Skin Care Routine for You

Healthy complexion & Skin Care in Novi & Troy, Michigan

The glossy pages of fashion magazines announce their arrival: the latest proprietary-formula cosmetics, arrayed in elegantly sculpted bottles, tubes and compacts. The enchanting names and sophisticated models add to the allure — and soon, our vanities are crowded with a treasure of lotions, concealers, foundations, highlighters, gels, glosses, polishes, primers and powders.

Yet once the thrill of a new purchase fades, the reality of skin care endures — less is more; simple is better than overdone; and nothing quite compares to a clean look that accentuates your natural splendor. Here, Southeastern Michigan plastic surgeon Dr. Mune Gowda provides insight into a skin care routine that will preserve or restore a youthful glow, projecting to the world a refreshingly pure image that reflects your inner beauty.

Remember the Basics

To begin, your daily skin care regimen should feature a limited number of products that are chosen with the specific characteristics of your skin in mind — products that will enhance your look, rather than hide it under layers of creams, powders and ointments.

Cleansers, moisturizes and exfoliants will make a dramatic difference when applied daily. Cleansers are important for clearing away dead skin, removing oil and preventing blockage in pores. Moisturizing your skin each day helps preserve a smooth, supple look.

Exfoliants include retinol, glycolic acid, AHA and BHA. They work by abrading the dry surface layer of your complexion and stimulating the production of new skin cells, as well as collagen, the natural protein that gives skin strength and flexibility and helps it resist stretching, drooping and sagging. These topical products target fine lines, minor wrinkles, age spots, sun spots and other blemishes, improve skin tone and reduce the size of pores.

Read Labels

The labels of cosmetic products will let you know how much to apply. You may be surprised by how little it takes to do the trick. Using just a dab of a cream or moisturizer can help avoid potential interactions with chemicals in other products, and give you a more natural look. It’s important to remember that many skin care products contain mild acids, and your skin cannot tolerate an overload of strong ingredients. 

Don’t Overdo It

When women overdo it with exfoliants, the skin typically takes on a bright but dry appearance. From the distance your complexion looks oily, but in reality the overuse of exfoliants has drained much of the natural texture from your face. An unnaturally bright appearance can also result from scrubbing your skin harshly. With all skin care, the key word is “gentle.”

Listen to Your Skin

Pay close attention to how your skin reacts to new products or combinations of products. In particular, stay alert to any sign of an allergic reaction. Retinoids often don’t mix well with other products, especially salicylic acid or glycolic acid. When your skin shows redness, swelling, peeling, flaking, dryness or other irritation, halt your regimen for a few days, then add back the products you are using, one at a time. 

If you would like to learn more about skin care, we invite you to schedule a personal consultation with experienced Southeastern Michigan plastic surgeon Dr. Mune Gowda by using our email form, or calling our Novi office at (248) 305-8400 or our Troy office at (248) 530-0000.