Comparing Brow Lift to Eyelid Lift

Eyelid Surgery & Brow Lift in Novi & Troy

Nothing says “aging” quite like drooping upper eyelids. Fortunately, both brow lift and eyelid lift can correct this condition and take years off the eye area. Skilled plastic surgeon Dr. Mune Gowda discusses what each procedure involves and what makes someone a candidate for one over the other. 

Brow Lift  

Sagging brows can make a person look angry, even when they feel quite the opposite. A brow lift remedies this situation while making the individual look younger. 

During a brow lift, the surgeon makes incisions above the brow and then tightens and lifts the skin around the eye area. Faint scars will result. 

Eyelid Lift  

Formally known as blepharoplasty, an eyelid lift is not solely a cosmetic procedure. For some people, drooping eyelids interfere with vision, and in such cases insurance companies may cover it. 

When performed on the upper eyelid, the surgeon removes skin and perhaps some fat. Lower lid surgery, which eradicates bags as well as wrinkles, involves skin tightening and fat removal. With both procedures, expect some swelling for about a week, but pain is seldom a factor. Patients return in a week to have the stitches removed. 

Determining the Right Procedure 

If a person’s eyelids droop or appear hooded, but the brows have not lost their arch or the forehead has not significantly lowered, an eyelid lift is likely the better option. 

Look at pictures of yourself from years back to see where your eyebrows were positioned. If they have fallen a great deal, you may prove a better candidate for a brow lift. 

While the effects of these procedures last a long time, it is possible that a person who previously underwent an eyelid lift and now feels their lids dropping may no longer have sufficient skin on the lids for removal. In that case, the brow lift can achieve similar results. 

Combination Surgery   

Some people may benefit from a brow lift and an eyelid lift. Those with heavy wrinkling on the forehead along with drooping eyelids are good candidates for a combination surgery. In these surgeries, only an upper eyelid lift is necessary in most cases. Overall, the result makes the patient look younger and rejuvenated.  

For More Information, Contact Dr. Mune Gowda

If you would like more information about brow lifts, eye lifts and which procedure is best for you, schedule a personal consultation with Southeastern Michigan plastic surgeon Dr. Mune Gowda by using our email form, or calling our Novi office at (248) 305-8400 or our Troy office at (248) 530-0000. Dr. Gowda will answer all of your questions and conduct an examination so that you can make an informed decision.