Common Myths About Liposuction

Liposuction in Novi & Troy, Michigan

Liposuction is a surgical procedure with staying power. Despite the many noninvasive body sculpting treatments that have been marketed in recent times, liposuction’s popularity never seems to wane. Year after year, it remains in the top tier of plastic surgical procedures performed in the U.S.

And yet, as common as the procedure has become, its real benefits are still often shrouded in myth and misconception. Below, experienced Southeastern Michigan plastic surgeon Dr. Mune Gowda sets the record straight on the true benefits (and shortcomings) of this popular surgery.

Myth 1: Liposuction Can Make Me Thin

If you are overweight, liposuction is not the solution. It is also not a substitute for exercise and a healthy diet. In fact, it is important that you give diet and exercise a chance before you consider the procedure. Overweight patients should be within 20 pounds of recommended weight.

Liposuction is ideal for those areas of the body that seem immune to traditional lifestyle approaches. If you exercise regularly and lose weight through a balanced diet and still retain excess fat in the hips or thighs, liposuction may be an appropriate option.

Myth 2: Liposuction Eliminates Skin Imperfections

If skin is already sagging or loose in a certain area, liposuction will not improve its appearance. Cellulite and stretch marks are also not likely to improve significantly, although there may be a slight smoothing of the area, depending on the firmness of your skin.

The elasticity of a patient’s skin is a key factor in how the skin will look after the procedure.
If skin is elastic and muscle tone is good, the skin will conform well to the new body shape. With skin that has been stretched and is less elastic, folds of skin may be apparent after removal of fat.

Myth 3: Fat Inevitably Returns

There is indeed a chance that pockets of fat could become plump again, but it is definitely not inevitable. If you change the behavior that led to obesity, you will not need to worry about significant amounts of fat returning. The cells that were removed during liposuction are gone, and will never grow back. But if your weight begins to rise again, adjoining fat cells will expand to store the excess caloric intake. 

Myth 4: Liposuction Is My Only Option

As noted above, a variety of noninvasive body sculpting alternatives have become available in recent years. These include SculpSure and CoolSculpting, as well as radiofrequency treatments such as Vanquish.

SculpSure uses laser-generated heat to disrupt fat cells. CoolSculpting relies on the opposite end of the temperature spectrum, freezing cells in the flabby “pinchable” areas of body fat. These crystallized cells are then absorbed by the body over a period of weeks or months.

If you would like to learn more about liposuction, we invite you to schedule a personal consultation with experienced Southeastern Michigan plastic surgeon Dr. Mune Gowda by using our email form, or calling our Novi office at (248) 305-8400 or our Troy office at (248) 530-0000.